Wednesday, December 15, 2021

My Home

                                                                         My Home !

So this idea is merely based on the  platform of manpower handling with a different motto,  as we in the 21st century know what are the two most revolutionary weapons of our age namely The Internet and Manpower . I mean think of anything which you can do without these , there's gotta be none ! If any of your wildest imagination goes beyond what I can see , please let me know; again  by the means of the internet )

This theory which I have drawn upon is mainly inspired by my dad who is obsessively compulsive on the  cleanliness of the house or let's just say cleanliness in particular . 

As using the methodology of problem solving with little of what the system and what life had taught me I drew up a conclusion as I feel it is one following which screamed Eureka ! 


But before getting into this let me first create an stand on the present maid system or a house-helper system, yup that seems odd because sadly there isn't any system its just a disorganized sector as I see it.

 This is how it is , there is a huge amount unemployed population living in say half built houses or slums nearby especially in the developing metropolitan cities of India , who come asking for jobs irrespective of what it is, be it cleaning the car or washing utensils as a maid or even a security for an apartment if you give a roof for him and his family they are more than happy . 

And then you employ them for various jobs to help you make life easier .

  But what comes with the employment is a huge lot of other things for instance  insecurity, lack of information , whereabouts , a social imparity , and lots more !   Then say one fine morning your watch the costly one is missing , your mind consciously starts to beep the sirens in only a direction where the maid you employed recently has been late to work __Then what follows is panic and ...its a lot better not to get onto that side of it . 

I'm able to relate as I have witnessed this happening a lot, and  turns out we even really got conned  once or twice  ! Now keeping the storytelling side of it aside ;

So  to bring quite a lot of  change's to  this perspective of the "Indians" in this domain is what this project really focuses about . Which is inshort achived by 

Making / Creating a bond with the helpers and their  community , with them doing  the same work in the same place with no change but to give it a hint of professionalism by profiling them documenting their presence creating a well accessible data base building trust between us and between them and the house owners , also by incentivizing the helpers and providing nominal working rates to the owner with a seamless UI (User Interface).

 Modus Operandi ;

-We would reach out to the helper community and ask them to do the same job but only wearing our t-shirts and by asking them to provide us with some of their credentials intern incentivizing them for doing so . In short its a no loss but profitable bargain for them.

 -Next  we would reach out to the owner community and ask them come onboard with us

   Q:But the question here is why will they ?


 Ans:  Here's why , they would not have to getting into bargaing with their helpers regarding their pay or they wouldn't have to search for people whom they feel is a match for them or then get upset if they wanted 2 or 3 more people to give them a hand if they hosted a party a day before and require to pay a premium , or feel it is a huge task to get the window panes or the ceiling fans cleaned up for nominal rates and not even  plan your day around their timings also say you feel lazy to cook a meal and want to avoid ouutside food then you just call the cook in ! 

   And Here comes the best part where they can chose_Whom they want, When they want , For how long they want them , What kind of person they want , What is expected from them  , all of it/ just all of it with a nick of the finger seamlessly avoiding the embarrassing bargains or the high pitched panic or the social imparity or the awkwardness and then enabling trust , belief , respect , for everyone irrespective of the work they do !

 Isn't this wonderful, Now the real question is how on earth are we different form the companies already in this business like Urban Clap (just google it if you haven't heard about them) ! 

So here let's see : for those of you know or have used their services tell me or give me the name of the house where the helper/ the maid is sent by urban clap for say cleaning your car (though they don't provide that service ) or to clean utensils or say cook on a daily basis , not one isn't it ! Gimme one company in India which does it , not one !

And please take your time and tell me how many of you have opted your local plumber or say electrician instead of calling urban clap , many a time isn't , this shows the user friendly rates and the market penetration of the companies existing in the line of business !

Yeah so the main objective by which we will stand out is the broad networking we create from the grass-root level to providing  services on a regular basis with the help of manpower management for relocating , assigning new roles everyday as per the needs of the costumer .

And  owning that bond of  the owner with their local plumber or the maid or the electrician is one of our core principles to start with ! 

Business  structure : Mainly adopted from many companies but mainly Vedantu Ed-tech where in-short their principle was pretty simple where  you open a youtube channel with their name , teach with their name on you and grow your channel and the company has zero equity in the channel but it pays you for using their name and publicizing them,  on the other hand as the channel grows you get more money and the company gets more publicity and trust of the costumers who start feeling the expansion of the company and how close they've reached you .

Business Model : Future and the profit making ratio is huge with respect to investment as the scale is very high and  too high and when there is less supply there is more demand for the people to onboard be it the helpers to get more respect, money , goodies incentives and for the owner to use this seamless service at the earliest. 

Apart from all of this the biggest catch and the highlight is my revenue model ! Planning to keep it to myself for now ...

Look this idea can be stolen but it's like an EV going to an oil station can do nothing with it until executed with utmost planning and improvisation .

Yes and I want to come to a conducive end where I'd wish to say while driving back from office scheduling your sweet home to be tidy and clean and  with your snack already prepared waiting for you is not too far away with the trust and support things ought to move way more smoothly. !  

For sure I'd like to hear the feedback's because only then is when I don't really stand in front of a mirror only holding fast to my perspective . 

So feel free to comment below , or mail away (personal email tagged in with my profile )




Athul C Nambiar